Friday, January 8, 2010

The TANGS recruitment ad

Hello my Love,

This morning I saw a recruitment ad in the papers, looking for sales associates for TANGS. Have you been to TANGS lately? If you have, you will realize that there ISN'T a shortage of sales associates. As a matter of fact, that place is overflowing/teeming with sales associates.They're just standing around, chatting with each other or looking bored. Or worse, following you around as you browse, chiming the usual, "This one got 3 cah-lers (colors)" or "This one new arriver (arrival)".

Even if TANGS decided to open a new store, they would have enough sales associates to go around without having to recruit any new ones, given the current situation. And if they stopped hiring, it could make my shopping experience less irritable and much more pleasant.

No hard feelings TANGS, I lov
e your stores and I even have your loyalty card.

(Pic credit:

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