Monday, February 22, 2010

Did you say Camouflage?

It pains me to bring you some disappointing fashion news. Apparently, as the retro trend's finding it's way to the sale racks, high street fashion brands are thinking - Bring on the Camouflage baby!
Oh the horror! Army green is a nice color but passing off Camouflage as fashion?
I used to think it was cool 6 years ago, when it was in fashion. But, why is it back so soon? That's my biggest question.
A friend of mine reminded me, that fashion happens in cycles. Yeah, I know this one. But the cycles usually happen after a decade at least or from a different era. Not something that was trendy 6 years ago.
I want to share some fashion philosophy with you right now my darlings:
Whatever comes back, that's not a decade old at least, is passe. PAS-SE. You see, when retro came back, that was fine. It was from at least a decade ago, in fact, it was from a whole different era. Designers took that and revamped it, added some modern, sleek cuts and re-prints and re-touching and you get a whole new style, starting a whole new trend.
But seeing something come back, only after 6 years of absence, it's not trend. How could designers be out of ideas already?
I'm trying to sound more disappointed than harsh in this post.
Maybe a designer would be inspired to add some flowers to the camouflage. Ooooh that's a whole different story.
(Picture credit:

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