Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sales people that say too much

Hello my darlings,

I find it necessary to address the issue of certain sales people saying too much. If you're in sales, please, PLEEEEASE ... never do this...

So I was at the Body Shop looking at some products on sale, particularly the face masks. A plump, bespectacled young sales lady, with her hair all tied up in a pony tail, including her fringe, she had porcelain skin and rosy cheeks, came up to me and insisted that I try the mask right then and there on my hand. I declined - big mistake - she went on for a full five minutes about HER experience using the different masks. From how often she uses certain ones, to why she likes certain ones, to which ones suit her on which day. And in between, she managed to shove in a secret - "Let me tell you a secret ok?", "yea?" I asked, to which she replied "Don't tell anyone but, I use a different mask every day." Followed by a giggle.

Thank you for the heartfelt session's my secret: I WISH YOU CAME WITH A MUTE BUTTON.

After she was done yapping away, she says, "Ok lah, don wan to disterb you." (Translated into proper English: I don't want to disturb you) and walks off.

A little too late for that isn't it darling?

And boy did she not mean what she said. I wish she meant it with as much sincerity as when she was telling me about her facial mask routine, because as I was paying for a purchase at the counter, she happened to be the cashier at that point in time (I always have such impeccable timing) and she went on and on about the wonderful latex sponges sold at the Body Shop and how I MUST get one because they're so good, oh the wonderful latex sponges sold at the Body Shop, I MUST get one, they're sooo good, oh the wonderful latex sponges...YOU GET MY DRIFT!

She shouldn't be wearing a name tag, instead, she should be wearing a tag that says "BEWARE- I YAP"...B-IY for short?

Just so you know, yapping does not sell - I didn't buy any facial masks or latex sponge.

Ciao my darlings. SB out.

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